Category: Blog

  • The Coffee Loyalty Card was not necessary

    I had my hair cut yesterday. As you may have noticed LOL I don’t have much hair and so I go to a barber. Afterwards my sister and I went to a local independently owned cafe for a cuppa, I stress independently owned because I like to support the little guy. The proprietor that has a…

  • When I started, my hair wasn’t gray!

    My hair wasn’t gray when I started working as a Realtor. Now that that career is behind me I would like to think I learned a great deal along the way and helped many with their change. Over the past few weeks I have been “connecting the dots” so to speak between my past and my…

  • Why Change, Why Move 1/2 Way Around The World?

    This is my why

  • It’s cold, It’s hot.

    I am told it is very hot in South Florida, especially for this time of year. Here in South Wales it is the polar opposite.  Nearly June and on my morning walk with Miss Evie I wore my leather coat. Mind you, several of the “natives” I saw were dressed in shorts. I surmise it…

  • I panicked, I tossed and turned. WHAT have I done?

    >I couldn’t sleep. >I couldn’t think clearly. >I panicked. And I thought to myself “This is not me! What is going on”  My journey to my new lifestyle took many hours. The flight to Paris was nine hours [ with a Chihuahua at my feet ] I dare not count the hours getting to the…

  • Perseverance Counts

    It is often said that perseverance counts. Pushing forward is key. Hitting the wall and climbing over it.  And so Humbly + With Gratitude  Today I watched as the number count changed on my YouTube channel. Four years in the making far too many content niches to recall but it is done. Two thousand YouTube subscribers.  Two…

  • What does age have to do with anything?

    In my world, in the little corner of my brain, age is just a number on a piece of paper. That year of my arrival is just that, my arrival date…sorta like a bus or a plane. To me I arrived “on time”. Age will never stop me from doing what I want to do.…

  • Eating is my Super Power

    My sister says I have hollow legs.  I eat A LOT.  I love to cook. I can turn a “normal recipe “ into a vegan delight. And  I love to eat what I cook. Some days I think I am just an eating machine. Other days I am, well sorta, normal. I consider myself very…

  • Why Gratitude?

    I often wonder about gratitude. Why even be thankful with our lot in life. Why not practice acceptance? Why not just live our lives, day in and day out, and just “be”? For me, the gratitude component slows me down.  Gratitude allows me to see, feel and touch things I would never have taken notice of before……

  • Slowing down to move forward.

    My journey to from the USA and subsequent move to the UK involved many steps. One step was selling my car. For several weeks I walked EVERYWHERE.  And I explored my new temporary surroundings. As I walked down the busy streets…with cars flying by me, I realized how easy it is to miss the small things,…