When I started, my hair wasn’t gray!

My hair wasn’t gray when I started working as a Realtor.

Now that that career is behind me I would like to think I learned a great deal along the way and helped many with their change.

Over the past few weeks I have been “connecting the dots” so to speak between my past and my future direction[s].

How does the Change I have made tie in with my decades as a real estate agent?

It’s simple.


I helped my clients with a downsizing and change in: 

  • Their home.
  • Their  belongings
  • Their lifestyle

There were several reasons for this change. Most popular was, what is called 

“The empty nest syndrome”

The children have left the home. Many rooms – few humans inhabiting them.

There were other reasons for this “transformation”, this Change.

These included:

  • Reducing carbon footprint
  • Reduce expenses
  • Eliminating all the “projects”

Many wanted to free up their time, energy and expenses adventure onto  “one day we will do’s”.

For many this change isn’t easy. I get it. I went down this road myself recently but one thing I know for sure from my personal experience and assisting many others along their way Change is possible. 

It, the Change, simply starts with an itsy, bitsy, decision to make a Change. Somehow and in some way the path is revealed.



Back to my hair…

I choose not to dye my hair. My gray crown reveals to the world, I have been there, done that and I am ready to take on more Change [ because of all my experiences ] in this life of mine.






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