Moving from the USA to Europe [Wales]

My inside scoop, and answers to two of many questions I have been asked about my move 

from the USA to the UK.

What was the biggest challenge in moving from America to the United Kingdom [ Wales specifically ]

Before my move the biggest challenge was the preparation for the move. This included selling my home, my car, and passing on many pieces of family furniture. Deciding what was staying with me, what was going.  

Another challenge was Miss Evie, my seven year old Chihuahua. While my final destination was into the United Kingdom, which normally would take a nine hour flight, the journey took us four days. This was because I was unable to bring Miss Evie into the cabin with me on a direct flight into the UK.  Transporting her in the belly of a plane was something I could not do!

My biggest challenge after the arrival in Wales were socks!

Say what Carolyn?

Yes socks. 

I will be truthful here. The weather is “slightly colder” than my previous home in South Florida. Okay I tell no lies, it is much colder. I didn’t even own a pair of socks in the USA

and all of a sudden I had to wear them. Initially I am sure my feet said “ what in the world are these things”! 

I am sure the cold weather was a challenge also for Miss Evie. Here is a collection of winter attire I purchased for the girl.

I am happy to report that both my feet and Miss Evie are getting accustomed to the colder weather.

What was the BIGGEST blessing?

Hands down, without a doubt and one of my main reasons for this transaction is family. After my caregiving role had ended I was by myself. Completely. The comfort in knowing that someone “has my back” is enormous. This change in my life was a biggie. What kept me going was the images of spending time with my sister in a cafe chatting over a coffee, surprising my nephews when I arrived and the feeling of “being at home”.

Family to me is everything. This truly is my biggest blessing.

There are several other questions that have been asked of me. Stick around, more to come.






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