>I couldn’t sleep.
>I couldn’t think clearly.
>I panicked.
I thought to myself
“This is not me! What is going on”
- I am strong music notes
- I am woman
- Watch me grow [ ode to Helen Reddy’s song, I am woman ]
My journey to my new lifestyle took many hours. The flight to Paris was nine hours [ with a Chihuahua at my feet ] I dare not count the hours getting to the airport, the wait for another flight, the adventure to Dublin across the Irish Sea.
I was physically and mentally exhausted.
That night as I crawled into bed at the hotel in Dublin all I could do was toss and turn.
Words did not come quietly into my mind. The words ROARED.
“What have you done” ?
- You sold everything, house, car most of your belongings
- You are living now with two suitcases and a Chiquaqua]
- You have no home
- You have no car, not even a bicycle to get you from A to B.
>Are you mad?
>Have you lost your mind?
>Now what are you going to do?
Luckily my sister lay in the bed next to me. She was able to speak calmly and soothing words to me.
- “You are tired”
- “You are exhausted”
- “You just need to sleep”
And so I did. Soundly.
From this experience I have learned that sometimes I just had “ To Be”. I simply had to reflect on the journey I took, the reason behind my move and all the possibilities in front of me. No fear.
As I understand it, fear is a human experience. It is what we do with the fear that counts.
And so, I move forward.
We move forward.
Trust is key. Onward.
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