My journey to from the USA and subsequent move to the UK involved many steps. One step was selling my car.
For several weeks I walked EVERYWHERE.
- To the grocery store
- To the barber [ yes you read that correctly]
- To the cafe for a coffee
I explored my new temporary surroundings.
As I walked down the busy streets…with cars flying by me, I realized how easy it is to miss the small things, to get caught up in the rush, how easy it is to miss the small things, to get caught up in the rush. Flowers, trees, birds singing, and even the bed in the road can become invisible. Sad.
I was a part of that rat race. Running from one appointment to the next, getting pulled by the flow of the madness, the rush.
Now don’t get me wrong. I am not one to live in a small village with few inhabitants. I am certainly not the type that could live off grid on a mountain top. No this is not me.
I am the polar opposite.
I am a city person. I love the vibe, the motion, the excitement. I love to watch the connection between people, the smell of the city, the taste of her foods.
I am on a mission.
Somehow, someway I will find my way. I will learn how to stop and take in the smell of pizza being served in the local restaurant, I will feel the breeze on my face as the bus travels by and take in the marvel of this one life that I have been given.
Anyone with me?
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