My sister says I have hollow legs.
I eat A LOT.
I love to cook. I can turn a “normal recipe “ into a vegan delight.
I love to eat what I cook.
Some days I think I am just an eating machine. Other days I am, well sorta, normal.
I consider myself very lucky in my ways:
>Cooking is one of my superpowers<
Eating is a by-product of this skill.
We all have superpowers, unrecognized assets.
My sister is a wiz at organization and getting a job done. She takes charge when given a task and before you know it: Mission Accomplished.
I think we all have our own strengths, our abilities, and capabilities. It is just that sometimes we get caught up in the go go go. We compare ourselves to others.
We don’t see who we really are in the mirror.
Have you looked?
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