Do a Belfast


took the train to Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland this weekend.

The Belfast of today is a vibrant city. She is a city of palatable energy and a multicultural international metropolis.

This is the complete opposite of my experience of this part of the world. I resided in this port city during the troubles, a civil war. The goal during these times was to keep the city, and her inhabitants safe, nothing else.

Traveling for work, driving down the motorways and country lanes during these times was a different experience than today. Many times I would drive to the other side of the country and told by the local residents “For your safety Carolyn, go back to your home [ on the other side of the province].

I have many stories to tell about those moments in my life but I will leave those for another time.

Thankfully Belfast, the whole of Northern Ireland has turned around for the best.


This got me thinking, If a city, a nation with all her citizens, can make sure a turn around surely I, you, we could do the same.

We all can make changes, small or large, to better our lives. We all can make a shift to live a more fulfilled life, a rounded lifestyle. As evidenced above, we all can change our current circumstances and the life we lead.

Sure the process to take Belfast and the whole of Northern Ireland from where she was to her current state was complicated. The peace that exists currently did not come about easily or overnight. Compromises were made. Change took time.


The results are intoxicating. What a wonderful experience in Belfast! I think we all should consider ”Doing our very own Belfast”.

Have you ever spent time in Northern Ireland? Let me know your thoughts below:)






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