How a Dusting of Snow Reminded Me of the Power of Self-Care and Courage

Oh My Word!!!
Each morning, I head out to the gym around 7-ish. It’s a part of my routine, a little ritual that sets the tone for my day.
But this morning? Heavens above!!!
Imagine the thoughts rushing through my head as I opened the front door and saw white stuff blanketing my car.
I haven’t seen this stuff in ages.
Now, I know—this might not seem like a lot of snow to many others. But to me? Well, it felt like a lot. Enough to stop me in my tracks for a moment, anyway.
Immediately, my mind went into overdrive: The roads. They might be slippery. Ice. What to do? Retreat—or move forward?
After a moment of hesitation, I made an “executive” decision: push forward. I grabbed my hat, wrapped a scarf around my neck, and ventured out. Slowly but steadily, I drove to the gym.
It would have been SO EASY to peek out my bedroom window, take one look at the snow, and crawl back into bed. Cover overhead. Done.
But here’s the thing: I’ve come to realize how essential self-care is for my overall well-being. Exercising isn’t just about keeping my body moving or maintaining my “bits and pieces,” as I like to call them. It’s about what happens in my mind—how I think, feel, and navigate the rest of my day.
The decision to step outside and face the snow was about more than just making it to the gym. It was a reminder that self-care often means choosing what’s good for us, even when the easier option calls. Sure, the snow was unexpected, and staying under the covers was tempting, but pushing forward was a gift to myself—a way to honor my body, clear my mind, and set the tone for the day.
Because when we take small, intentional steps to care for ourselves, we’re not just surviving—we’re thriving. And sometimes, all it takes is a hat, a scarf, and a little courage to move through the “snowstorms” in life.
What’s your version of pushing forward today?
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