The Becoming Within

When we think it’s over, something new is already growing quietly inside us.

I look out upon this tree daily–one strong, established trunk with another tree growing from within it. At first glance, I thought, How unusual. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. But the longer I look at this beauty, the more I realized how deeply this mirrors the human in each and every one of us.

A second life growing inside the first. A version of ourselves we may not have even noticed was taking root. New dreams. Second chances. Unexpected paths. Rebirths after endings we thought might break us.

Just like this tree, we carry the strength of all we’ve been — while quietly, silently something new grows inside, waiting for its moment to reveal itself.

Maybe you’re in the middle of that becoming. Or maybe you’re still just feeling the quiet stirrings of change within you. Either way, I have learned to trust the growth. Your inner wisdom knows exactly when to reach for the sun- to reveal itself. Your gut.

Remember that even in seasons where nothing seems to be happening on the surface, roots are strengthening below. Your journey isn’t always visible, but that doesn’t make it any less real or powerful.

What new life is growing within you today? Whatever it is, nurture it gently. Be kind to yourself. Have patience. The most magnificent transformations often begin in the quietest ways.







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