Buying has a new meaning

I look at purchasing a bottle of shampoo, a new handbag or even a new fragrance with a new set of eyes.

Afterall, as a digital nomad, everything I own must fit into a suitcase. I must be able to carry everything I own AND manage Miss Evie.

As someone who for a long time has preferred to own less and to live a Simple Life this new form of “ownership” got me thinking more deeply about this subject.

How much do I, you, we really need?

Sure it is cheaper to buy in bulk, two for one, ½ price specials and all that. I get this- save money but what about the space that all these items occupy in your home AND in your mind?

“Do I have a spare bottle of this, of that, and where is that extra tube of toothpaste I bought several weeks ago [ because it was on sale ]”

And all that dust that all this stuff attracts

And space in our homes

All that “stuff”, to me, just causes confusion, takes up space not only in our homes but in our minds.

At this point of my journey I don’t care if something is on sale, if I can buy two and get one free.I don’t care if the jumbo size is cheaper than the “normal” sized item. I only buy what I need and

in the quality and size that I literally can carry.

Now I understand that this is extreme BUT perhaps, just maybe this attitude/mindset could be applied the next time you” run into the store to buy that one item that you really need”.

When was the last time you bought “just what you needed”?






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